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Standards of Performance for Team Members

In All We Do

In pursuing our mission, we live by the following values:

  • Patients are our priority.
  • We act with integrity, compassion and honesty. 
  • We foster an environment of caring, dignity and mutual respect.
  • We are accountable and communicate openly.
  • We are an expression of our community.
  • We are driven by quality and safety.
  • We are skilled and innovative, and provide service excellence.
  • We are fiscally responsible.

Standards of Performance for Team Members


  • To share your ideas, suggestions and concerns about your work.
  • To ask for and receive help from team members and others.
  • To provide input into decisions about your work.
  • To work in a barrier-free environment.
  • To receive supportive and equitable treatment.


  • To seek and share your ideas, suggestions and concerns about your work.
  • To help your team members, patients and families, medical staff, volunteers and others.
  • To actively participate in decisions about your work.
  • To promote a supportive and inclusive environment.
  • To live our values and to treat everyone with respect and dignity.