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Holiday Health Tips

Posted on: December 05, 2018
Filed under: Community

1. Get the flu shot – it’s your best defence against the flu and will help protect others, including the most vulnerable, from the serious complications of influenza

2. Wash your hands often – washing with soap and water for at least 15 seconds helps keep the virus from spreading – or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol

3. Cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and then throw it out – if you don’t have a tissue, cough into your upper sleeve

4. Don’t touch your face – the flu virus enters your body through your eyes, nose and mouth

5. Stay at home when you’re sick – viruses spread more easily in group settings

6. Clean and disinfect surfaces and shared items – viruses can live for up to 48 hours on hard surfaces

7. Plan ahead – make sure you or your loved ones have what you need over the holidays no matter where you intend to spend your holidays

8. Use the ER wisely – it’s a precious commodity and this is the busiest time of year

9. If your symptoms become a concern, call your family doctor, nurse practitioner or the on-call service or visit a walk-in clinic

10. Remember, your pharmacy can also provide a variety of helpful services over the holidays and can even provide emergency supplies of medicine, in a pinch

Need healthcare over the holidays? Know your options