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Oxford and Area Ontario Health Team Receives Approval

Posted on: November 19, 2020
Filed under: Press Release, Community

Issued: November 19, 2020 

Oxford and Area Ontario Health Team Receives Approval What This Announcement Means for Patients in the Region 

The Oxford and Area Ontario Health Team (OHT) is pleased to be among the Ministry of  Health’s latest cohort of approved OHTs. This approval means that the Oxford and Area OHT  can now proceed with the implementation of year-one initiatives. 

The Ontario government is establishing Ontario Health Teams across the province, to deliver  integrated care. The Oxford and Area OHT brings together over 30 health care organizations  across all sectors of care to collaborate as one team. 

“The development of the OAAOHT has led to unprecedented collaboration between doctors,  nurses, hospitals and community health care providers,” said Dr. Ian Hons, Physician/Hospitalist  at Woodstock Hospital. “I am excited to be participating in this process, which I believe will  improve the delivery of health care in our region.” 

Patients in the Oxford region will continue to access their care providers as they always have.  What patients should notice over time, is that care providers are working together to provide  them with more coordinated care.  

“I am so excited that the Oxford and Area OHT has been approved,” said Heather Wilson-Boast,  Patient and Family Advisor with the Oxford and Area OHT. “We can expect a more direct,  collaborative and coordinated approach for patients and families when navigating a full  continuum of care.” 

The goal is to provide patients with 24/7 care navigation, a single number to call with any  questions or concerns, and access to their health information so that they can play a more  informed role in their care. Because healthcare providers are working together as a team, the  patient’s story, chart and care plan will follow them throughout their healthcare journey, and they  won’t have to continually retell their story each time they meet a new provider.  

The Oxford and Area OHT will be focusing on three priority populations in the first year of  development. They are: 

  • People with multiple chronic conditions 
  • People with palliative care needs 
  • People experiencing challenges related to mental health and addictions 

These priority populations were selected based on data reviewed, that demonstrated a need to  better integrate care for an aging population and those navigating mental health supports. The  Oxford and Area OHT will focus our efforts in these three areas, before expanding this care  model to our entire region.

Looking ahead, the Oxford and Area OHT will be increasing public engagement, and continue to  seek feedback and input from patients, families and caregivers, as each of these audiences  provide a critical perspective on redesigning care towards an integrated approach.  

To learn more about the Oxford and Area OHT and stay informed throughout this process, we  encourage the public to subscribe to our mailing list by visiting www.oxfordandareaoht.com

For more information contact: 
Perry Lang
President & CEO President & CEO  
Woodstock Hospital
519-421-4211 ext. 4239

Sandy Jansen 
Alexandra Hospital Ingersoll & Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
519-842-3611 ext. 5301 