We've put together a comprehensive list of details for patients and their families that provide you with information around hospital operations, services, and much more.
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Patient & Family Information
- Accessibility
This hospital is committed to ensuring full accessibility to our facilities and services. Careful review has been completed of our facilities to ensure that barriers are identified and plans to manage or eliminate them are established.
Automatic doors, levered handles, elevated toilets, wheelchair washrooms and graphic signs are some of the features within the facility that make it more accessible.
- Accommodations
Throughout the province, hospitals are experiencing a very high demand for services. As a result, the number of patients requiring care sometimes exceeds the number of available beds or rooms.
Please be advised that patients may be placed in an inpatient room with a member of the opposite gender to accommodate system-wide demand for beds and infection control needs. There may be circumstances where mixed gender rooms are not appropriate and will be evaluated accordingly by hospital administration.
As your condition improves, you may be:
- Moved to a different room or in rare circumstances other areas. This would provide a bed for patients requiring more acute care.
- Moved more than once in your hospital stay.
- Temporarily placed on a bed/stretcher in another treatment area such as the Emergency Room or Recovery Room.
- Placed in a room that is not in keeping with your insurance policy (i.e. being placed in a ward room when you have coverage for semi-private or in a semi-private room when you have coverage for private).
- Be transferred to a neighbouring hospital with capacity.
Please rest assured that we will attempt to avoid moving you if at all possible. As always, we will strive to ensure that your comfort and privacy needs are met.
We appreciate your patience and are committed to working with you to minimize disruptions during your recovery. Should any concerns arise during your stay, please ask to speak with the Clinical Leader who will make every effort to answer your questions. All concerns are forwarded by the Clinical Leader to the administrative team for review and further follow-up where appropriate.
- Alcohol
Alcohol is not permitted on hospital premises unless ordered by a physician.
- Appliances
For safety reasons, we prefer that any personal electrical appliances are powered by batteries. But if you need appliances that do not run on batteries, they must be approved and tagged by Maintenance team. Please speak to your healthcare provider to arrange this.
A 24-hour bank machine (ATM) is located in the Emergency Department waiting room, around the corner from Patient Registration.
- Cafeteria
We invite you to visit the Cafeteria for fresh and delicious snacks and lunch.
Cafeteria - located on Lower Level
Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00am - 1:15pm
Closed on weekends and all statutory holidays.
Self-serve coffee is available on weekends & statutory holidays: 1:15pm to 4:30pmVending machines - located on First floor by Emergency entrance
Gift Shop - carries a variety of snacks and beverages
Open: Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 8:00pm
Weekends: 1:00pm – 4:00pm- Discharge
Discharge Planning
Your health care team is responsible for planning your discharge. This includes helping patients and families make plans for after-hospital care, if required.If you feel you will need help at home or at a senior care facility, please ask to consult with a LHIN Home and Community Care, Care Coordinator.
Discharge From Hospital
Your health care team will tell you what day you will be discharged from hospital. Please try to leave your room by 11:00 a.m. If your discharge notice is short, please arrange for a ride home as early as possible once you have been notified.Before leaving hospital:
- Check with your physician regarding medications, diet, activities, follow-up appointments, etc.
- Check at nurse’s station for discharge instructions.
- Take home all your personal belongings, including medications.
- Stop at Business Office if you have any additional expenses to pay.
Ask Questions!
It is important that you ask any questions you may have to make sure you understand what you need to do when you go home. You can write the information down or ask a friend to write it down for you.- E-Cards
You can conveniently send an e-card (electronic card) to a patient in hospital.
To send a message click here.- Fire Safety / Hospital Codes
Our team members are continually trained to deal with emergencies. To assure emergency readiness, we test hospital codes and the fire alarm system. Do not be alarmed if a code announcement is made or the fire alarms are sounded. Remain where you are.
When the fire alarms sound, doors automatically shut or are closed by team members. A team member will reopen your door when the “All Clear” has been announced.
If it is an actual fire, it is important to remain calm and wait for instructions. Any visitors should remain with the patient.
Please Do Not Use The Elevator.
Hospital Emergency Codes:
- Blue - Cardiac Arrest
- Red - Fire
- Green - Evacuation - Precautionary
- Green Stat - Evacuation - Crisis
- Orange - External Disaster
- Yellow - Missing Patient
- White - Violent Patient
- Black - Bomb
- Brown - Internal Chemical Spill
- Pink - Newborn Cardiac Arrest
- Purple - Hostage Taking
- Flowers & Balloons
Flowers that have been ordered from a local florist will be delivered to the patient’s room. When ordering, please include the patient’s room number on the delivery request. Please consider giving a green plant or fragrance-free floral arrangement because the hospital supports a scent-free policy.Allergy Alert
- Latex balloons are prohibited in the hospital due to latex allergies.
- Poinsettias are not permitted within the hospital faciility.
- Funeral Arrangements
Discussing funeral arrangements can be difficult. Please feel free to seek assistance from team members regarding notification to the funeral home of your choice.
- Gift Shop
The Gift Shop offer a wide variety of giftware, jewelry, clothing, children’s toys and handcrafted items. Gourmet coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cold beverages and a variety of snack items are available. The Gift Shop are operated by volunteers.
All merchandise is HST exempt.
All profit from the Gift Shop is donated back to help purchase patient equipment.
AHI Gift Shop - located on Main Level
Monday – Friday: 9am – 4pm
Saturday & Sunday: 1pm – 4pm- Hand Washing
Thorough hand washing has been identified as the most effective way to control infection.
Hospital team members and visitors are required to use the waterless hand sanitizing dispensers located throughout hospital.
Hands should be washed:
- Before and after visiting patient
- After blowing nose, coughing
- After using toilet
- Before eating
Follow these steps to ensure your hands are washed properly:
- Cover hands completely with soap and wash with warm running water.
- Rub hands together briskly for at least 15 seconds.
- Rinse hands with warm running water and dry with a clean paper towel.
- Use paper towel to turn off tap so as not to re-infect hands.
- Infection Prevention & Control
Thorough hand washing has been identified as the most effective way to control infection. Everyone, including team members and visitors, must clean their hands using hand sanitizer when entering or leaving the room.
When visiting Emergency Department, Diagnostic Imaging, visiting patients or any Inpatient/Outpatient areas of hospital
All patients and family members are to wash their hands on arrival to the Emergency waiting room, Diagnostic Imaging or any part of hospital. We ask that you repeat hand washing throughout your stay and upon leaving to go home or be admitted. Hand sanitizing dispensers are located throughout the hospital.If you are coughing, you will be asked to apply a facemask and wash your hands.
If you are coughing, short of breath or have a fever, you will be isolated from others. You will be asked further questions regarding travel and exposure to others who are ill.
Added Precautions
When patients have certain infections or are carrying bacteria that can be spread to other patients, “Added Precautions” are put in place. These may include being placed in a Private room where visitors may be asked to wear a gown, mask, gloves, etc. A “PRECAUTION” sign may be placed at the entrance of the room to alert hospital team members and visitors to take special precautions.
The “Added Precautions” will remain in place until there is no longer a risk of spreading infection.
- Interpreter Services
Patients and family members who need an interpreter to help them communicate should ask the hospital team members for help. Many of our team members speak different languages and they will be pleased to assist. You may also invite a family member or friend to be present to interpret when your Physician visits.
- Legal Issues
You or your family member will be asked to sign consent forms. Before signing, it is important that you understand what is going to happen. Feel free to ask questions until you completely understand what you are signing.Living Wills/Advanced Directives
Your values, beliefs and wishes can be written in a Living Will or Advanced Directive. It can speak for you if you can no longer speak for yourself. If you do not have a Living Will or Advanced Directive and you wish to learn more about it, ask your healthcare provider to give you the information.Wills and Documents
If you wish to make changes to your Will, deal with Power of Attorney matters, or have any documents notarized (certified by a notary), please contact your lawyer. Team members may not witness legal documents for patients as part of their hospital duties. Patients are encouraged to arrange for their own witness or to have their lawyer bring a witness.- Lost & Found
If an item is lost, inpatients should check with their Nursing Station to report the loss or see if it has been found.
Lost and Found articles should be reported to the Environmental Service Coordinator: 519-842-3611 ext 8269.
Incoming mail will be delivered to your room daily. Outgoing mail may be left at Switchboard. Postage can be paid there. If confined to your room, please ask nursing team members or a volunteer to mail your letters.
Addresses for incoming mail:
Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll
29 Noxon Street
Ingersoll, ON N5C 3V6- Meals
Each day, you will be offered menu choices for your selection. If you require a special diet (e.g. food allergy, vegetarian), please inform your healthcare provider. In some cases, your physician will order your diet.
Patients should be ready for meal service at:
Breakfast – 8:00 - 8:30 a.m.
Lunch – 12:00 – 12:15 p.m.
Supper – 4:45 - 5:00 p.m.Patient snacks are available upon request.
Visitor Meals
Visitors wishing to eat a meal with a patient may purchase lunch in the cafeteria or order a guest meal to be delivered with the patient meal for a fee. See the Ward Clerk at the Nursing Station to order and prepay for your meal.Nutritional Services
Registered Dietitians assist with meal planning for various health conditions, including diabetes, elevated lipid levels and other digestive orders. Nutritional assessments and diet counseling is provided by a Registered Dietitian for inpatients, families and caregivers. In-patients do not require a referral.If outpatients would like to see the Dietitian, you can request a referral from your physician.
- Medications
When you are admitted to hospital and for medical appointments, it is important for your health team to have a complete, current list of the medications you take at home. Please bring all prescription and non-prescription medications (including vitamins, herbal remedies, food supplements) in their original containers, with information on dosage and time-of-day they are taken.
Be sure to include: prescription, patches, injections, inhalers, creams/ointments, suppositories, eye drops, nose sprays, over-the-counter, non-prescription medications (e.g. Advil), vitamins, minerals, supplements and natural remedies.
Because of limited supplies of some medications, you may be asked to supply and use your own medications. Nursing team members will dispense medications. When you are discharged, your medications will be returned to you along with an updated list of your current medications.
Please tell your doctor or nurse if you are allergic to any medication or suffer from other allergies. If you have questions about your medications, your doctor, nurse or hospital pharmacist will assist you.
TIP: It is always a good idea to carry a complete list of all medications that you take, in case of emergency.
- OHIP - Items Not Covered
OHIP (Ontario Hospital Insurance Program) is Ontario’s provincial healthcare plan. OHIP coverage is available 3 months after a person establishes residency in Ontario.
For hospital patients, OHIP covers:
- Medically necessary services provided by a physician.
- Hospital services, including meals, required drugs, procedures and standard ward rooms (4 patients).
- Ambulance service for transportation between hospitals or deemed necessary by physician. (Note: $45 co-payment if transportation did not originate at a medical facility, such as your home.)
- Mammograms (covered by Ontario Breast Screening Program) for women between ages of 50 – 74 years old, or ages 30 – 69 years old, if considered to be at high risk.
- Dental surgery MAY be covered.
For hospital patients, OHIP does not cover:
- Semi-private and private rooms in a hospital.
- Ambulance transportation services if not deemed medically necessary ($240 max. cost)
- Cosmetic surgery.
- Paramedicals such as chiropractors, massage therapists, naturopaths, podiatrists, acupuncturists and osteopaths.
- An appointment with a physician that you missed.
NOTE: Necessary emergency medical treatment obtained outside of Canada (e.g. while traveling) is only covered on a very limited basis. It is highly recommended to have travel insurance protection if traveling outside of Canada. Out-of-province ambulance costs are not covered.
- Organ Donation
If you would like to donate your organs, it is important to make a commitment: complete the organ donation form included with your Driver’s License and tell the people close to you about your decision. If you would like to talk to someone about organ donation, please contact your family doctor or ask your healthcare provider.
This hospital participates in an active and effective organ retrieval program: Multiple Organ Retrieval and Exchange Program (M.O.R.E.). Hospital procedures have been developed by which potential donors are identified and they and/or their families are presented with the opportunity to make a gift of all or any organs or tissues. In this way, the patient’s right to donate and the hospital’s obligations to extend care can be met. For more information about M.O.R.E., call 1-800-263-2833 during office hours.
- Parking
Parking for patients and visitors is available in the parking areas designated as "Visitor Parking". Parking is free.
Please do not leave your vehicle parked at the Emergency door entrance or ramp, where applicable.
Volunatry Parking Fee boxes are availabe to help us cover expenses.
- Patient & Family Feedback
This hospital is dedicated to providing the best possible experience when you visit our hospital.
There may be times when you or your family members would like to share a compliment or voice a concern.- Declaration of Values: Patients' RIghts & Responsibilities
Patients’ Rights
The Alexandra Hospital Ingersoll believes that hospital personnel should be a community of caring persons and strive to provide high quality care. We value the following fundamental rights of patients and are committed to maintaining an environment that both fosters and protects these rights:- To receive considerate and respectful care and assistance, and appropriate nursing, medical assessment and treatment regardless of colour, race, creed, age, religious belief or financial status and to be free from mental and physical abuse.
- To have your condition, care and treatment explained in simplified terms to the best of the hospital’s ability to you, or your authorized decision maker, and to participate in your personal care plan.
- To receive ongoing information concerning your diagnosis, treatment and any known prognosis.
- To have your personal, financial, medical and other records entrusted to the hospital, kept in confidence, and available only to those for whom the information is essential.
- To refuse and/or accept medical treatment and medication, if mentally competent, except for mandatory rules for safety and to be informed of the medical consequences of any refusal.
- To be introduced to and informed of the professional status of individuals providing care and service.
- To be accommodated in a safe and clean environment.
- To receive a complete explanation of the need to transfer to another facility, and of the alternatives to such a transfer.
- To receive information regarding healthcare requirements when planning for discharge from the hospital. To expect that we will do our utmost to provide reasonable continuity of care, including appointments, resources, and health care in the community following discharge.
- To have a choice of participating in research, studies, surveys and teaching opportunities.
- To provide feedback to the hospital on the care you are receiving or have received and to have concerns addressed in a timely manner.
- To be informed of your responsibilities and role in your safety.
- To have a parent, guardian or family member stay 24 hours per day in specific circumstances.
Patients’ Responsibilities
Alexandra Hospital Ingersoll is committed to promoting health care, which addresses the needs of each person and to provide compassionate and quality care to those we serve. We believe that patients should participate in their treatment and be given the opportunity to make decisions regarding their health.We also believe that patients have the following responsibilities:
- To be considerate and respectful of health care providers.
- To provide accurate information to appropriate personnel, and to report any unexpected changes in your condition.
- To ensure personal safety by adhering to Patient Safety Guidelines.
- To observe health and safety regulations, including the hospital’s infection precautions policy, violence and harassment policy and smoking restriction.
- To keep appointments or to contact the hospital when this is not possible.
- To follow the treatment plan as discussed and mutually agreed upon by you and your physician, including cooperating with other health care providers implementing physician orders.
- To make appropriate and timely arrangements for leaving the hospital, upon discharge by your physician.
- To assure that any personal financial obligations for your health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible.
- To consider participating in research, studies, surveys and teaching opportunities.
- To ask questions when you do not understand or if you require additional information on the care you are receiving.
- To provide feedback on the care that you receive in a timely manner.
- Patient Safety
This information is provided for patients and family members/significant others to ensure we work together to provide a safe environment for all.
It is important to understand that despite everyone’s best efforts and intentions, incidents/errors may happen. Our goal is to ensure we do everything we can to make our hospitals as safe as possible.
How We Keep Patients Safe
- Fall Prevention Program: Patients admitted to hospital receive a “Risk for Falls” assessment. Part of your admission history, this assessment identifies patients at risk in order to help our team members keep the environment safe. Please let us know if you feel unsteady and we will assist you.
- Two Patient Identifiers: Before providing treatment, we check two Patient Identifiers: your full name, date of birth.
- Closed Loop Medication Administration: At registration, patients are given armbands for identification. The armband and barcode are scanned before any medications are administered. This provides another layer of safety to ensure that the right medication is given to the right patient at the right time.
- Safety Upgrades: Our facility is continually upgraded with safety devices such as ceiling lifts, portable lifts, grab bars, transfer boards, bed alarms and a wandering system.
How Patients Help to Ensure Their Own Safety
- Tell health care team if you experience:
- Falls at home
- Weakness, dizziness, problems with blood pressure
- Blood sugar problems
- Allergies
- Alcohol, Drug or Substance abuse
- Ensure your health care provider is aware of underlying conditions that would help ensure you receive the best care (e.g. dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, hearing impairment, etc.)
- Report any changes in your condition.
- Seek information, ask for help and provide us with information that relates to your condition.
- Wear non-slip footwear to reduce falls. Ask family members to wear non-slip footwear when they visit. Note: Patients identified as at-risk for falling will be provided with non-skid slipper socks.
- Follow health, safety and infection control rules.
- Feel free to ask the health care team members to wash their hands before providing care.
- Request that heath care team members ask for two patient identifiers before providing care.
- Follow instructions for smoking restrictions.
How Visitors Can Keep Patients Safe
There are many ways patients and visitors can help keep patients safe:
- Visiting Guidelines
This allows the interdisciplinary team to provide the appropriate patient care. Visiting is restricted to two visitors per patient. Congestion beyond this disturbs other patients in the room and increases the safety risk of others. If you are visiting multiple patients, sanitize your hands before and after seeing each patient. - Sanitize hands before and after visiting
The hand sanitizers in patient rooms are for everyone – sanitize your hands when entering and leaving the room of the person you are visiting to avoid bringing in and carrying out germs. Insist that health care providers do the same before caring for your loved one. Clean your hands after sneezing, coughing, touching your eyes, nose or mouth, after using the restroom and before and after eating and drinking. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your sleeve, and do not sit on patient beds or handle their equipment. Read and follow any instructions posted outside the patient’s room. - Stay home if you are sick
Do not visit the Hospital if you are sick or have had any ill symptoms within the last three days including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever (or feeling feverish), uncontrolled cough or rash. - Check first before you bring food, send flowers or take the kids
Some flowers and home cooking may not be allowed, so check with the nurse first. If you change the water in a vase of flowers, be sure to wash your hands afterward. Bringing food is risky because the patient may be on a special diet or the food could spoil or make the patient sick. Please check with the nurse about the rules for children visiting. If you bring youngsters, don’t let them play on the floor or bed and have them wash their hands as they enter and leave the room. Make sure the child is free from symptoms of infection (e.g. runny nose, sore throat, rash, cough, etc.). - Observing/Abiding by Special Precautions
If the person you are visiting has a “PRECAUTION” sign outside their door, talk to the nurse before entering the room to find out what steps you will have to take, such as wearing a mask or other protective clothing. - Don’t contribute to the clutter
Limit the patient’s personal items. Less clutter makes cleaning easier. Keep patient items off the floor and away from waste containers. - Back at home
Keep the patient healthy back at home. Follow discharge instructions and eliminate germs from the patient’s environment by using disinfectants such as sprays and wipes to clean hard surfaces often.
Falls Prevention
Patients admitted to the Hospital receive a “Falling Stars” assessment to identify patients at risk for falling. Team members are trained to reduce the risk of falls.
If you have any questions regarding safety, please contact the Patient Safety Officer: 519-485-1700 ext. 8265
- Payment of Account
Should you be required to pay for extra fees not covered by OHIP (see OHIP), you can make the payment at Patient Registration, mail it to the hospital or call and pay with a credit card.
NOTE - Some items, such as canes, crutches, ortho-boots, helping aids, etc. are supplied before your discharge. This cost will be charged to you.
Walkers and wheelchairs are hospital property and are not to be taken out of the hospital. Local service clubs will loan out walkers, wheelchairs, etc. For information on these service clubs, talk with the LHIN Home and Community Support Case Manager.
Non-Resident of Canada Charges
Any patient who is not a resident of Canada is charged a rate set by the Ministry of Health based on the actual cost of the hospitalization.- Privacy - Health Information
As a patient, your personal health information is essential to your healthcare team. It allows us to provide you with the best care possible. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our patients and recognize that personal health information must be treated with respect and sensitivity. Your request for healthcare services implies that you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal health information for specific related purposes.
Collection of Personal Health Information
The personal health information that we collect may include:- Name
- Date of birth
- Address
- Health history
- Records of your visits to hospital
- Care you received during hospital visits
How Your Health Information Is Used
Your health information is available to those who need it in order to provide you with care. This may include physicians, nurses, technologists, therapists and other health professionals. We use and disclose your personal health information to:- Treat and care for you.
- Facilitate continuity of care when you are transferred to another facility.
- Obtain payment for your treatment and care from Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), private insurers and others.
- Plan, administer and manage our internal operations.
- Perform risk management, quality improvement and educational activities, including patient satisfaction surveys.
- Conduct and support approved research.
- Compile statistics.
- Comply with legal and regulatory requirements and fulfill other purposes permitted or required by law.
Non-clinical information about you such as name, room phone number, and location in hospital may be released to family and friends in order to confirm you are a patient or notify a representative of a religious affiliation to visit you (if you approve).
The Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA)
The PHIPA governs our accountability to protect your personal health information from loss and unauthorized use or disclosure. We conduct audits and carry out investigations to monitor and manage our privacy compliance. We take steps to ensure that everyone who performs services for us protects your privacy and only uses your personal information for the purposes to which you have consented.
For more information about our privacy practices, please contact the Privacy Officer: 519-485-1700 Ext. 5251 (Melanie Kennedy)
- Registration & Scheduling
Registration and scheduling is located near the Emergency entrance. Please report to this area when registering or scheduling your appointments.
- Room Options
Initial room assignments are based on bed availability and medical necessity. But patients may choose from final room options for the duration of a longer-term hospital stay, if the preferred room is available.
Private and Semi-Private Accommodations are available.
Most extended health insurance covers all or part of private or semi-private rooms charges. Please check with your provider for details.
Every effort will be made to provide you with the room you request at Admission or Pre-Admission, if one is available. You or your insurance company will only be charged based on your final room assignment.
Standard Ward
4 beds separated by curtains; 2 Visitor seating areas, each with 1 chair; 2 shared bathrooms for 4 patients (covered by your provincial health care plan)Semi-Private
2 beds separated by curtain; 2 Visitor seating areas, each with 1 chair; 1 shared bathroom for 2 patients (additional charge)Private
1-bedroom per room; Visitor seating area with 1 chair; Private bathroom (additional charge)ROOM SELECTION FAQ
1. What room accommodations does the government pay for?
Canada’s provincial and federal health insurance covers Standard Ward accommodation (four beds to a room) through Canada’s Medicare program. If you prefer to stay in a Private or Semi-Private room during your Hospital stay, a premium rate will be charged to you or your insurance company.2. How much does a Private or Semi-Private room cost?
Private room: $230.00* per day
Semi-Private room (two beds in a room): $200.00* per day
* Rates subject to change3. How do I know if I am covered for a Private or Semi-Private room?
Please check with your insurance provider to find out what your plan covers in terms of room type (i.e. Private or Semi-private) and amount.4. Will AHI bill my insurance provider on my behalf?
AHI bills directly to most major Extended Health Benefits Plans. Please note that should your insurance company only cover a portion of the Private or Semi-Private cost, you will be required to pay the balance to the Hospital.5. How do I request a Private or Semi-Private room?
During Admission or Pre-Admission, our Admitting team members will explain the room options available. You will be asked to sign our Patient Financial Responsibility Form and to provide your insurance information. An imprint of your credit card will be requested for any balances not covered by your insurance.6. Will I be able to reserve a room of my choice?
Your room choice is not guaranteed, but we will make every effort to provide you with the room type that you have requested. Hospital accommodation room assignments are based on bed availability and medical necessity.7. What if you are unable to accommodate my request?
We will make every effort to provide you with the room type that you have requested. You or your insurance company will only be charged based on your room assignment. For example, if you have requested a Private room, but only a Semi-Private room is available when you are admitted, you or your insurance company will only be charged the Semi-Private room rate.8. Why does AHI charge for Private and Semi-Private rooms?
Private and Semi-Private rooms exceed the baseline standard accommodation covered by the provincial and Ontario government. In accordance with Health Canada guidelines, acute-care or specialist facilities like AHI can provide the option of Private or Semi-Private accommodations to those patients who are willing to pay, or who have coverage under their personal healthcare insurance.* Private and Semi-Private rooms generate much needed revenue to support hospital programs, equipment upgrades and capital projects, so that AHI can continue to provide the best in patient care.
If you have any other questions or concerns about Hospital Accommodations, or your insurance coverage, please contact one of the Admitting Team Members.
- Scent Free Policy
When visiting the hospital, we ask that you refrain from wearing scented products such as perfume, cologne, aftershave, lotions, body sprays, deodorant, hair products, laundry detergent and softeners.
We thank you for your consideration of others that are sensitive to these products.
- Security
Hospital team members and volunteers are easily identified by their photo identification badges. Please notify a team member immediately if you observe any suspicious activity or individuals, have a security concern, or if you’ve lost a personal item.
- Smoke Free Hospital
As of January 1, 2018, new legislation Smoke-Free Ontario Act prohibits smoking on hospital grounds. This means that smoking will be prohibited in all hospital buildings, exterior grounds and parking lots as well as inside cars. Alexandra Hospital supports this legislation as a healthier approach for our community.
- Spiritual & Religious Care
If you would like to be visited by a Spiritual Leader while an inpatient, please contact your healthcare provider who will call a clergy member for you.
The Registration team will ask you if we can share with Spiritual Leaders that you are in hospital. If you agree, you will be asked for your religious affiliation.
Inpatients are invited to request a visit from the Volunteer Chaplain by notifying your healthcare provider. Emergency support is available in a crisis from Palliative Care Team Members and Volunteer Chaplains.
Note for Spiritual Leaders
Clergy are welcome to visit members of their church on a regular basis. If visiting multiple patients, please sanitize your hands before and after seeing each patient. Visit the person in isolation last and follow the precautions specified.- Taxis
If you require a taxi, please request that your healthcare provider make these arrangements.
- Telephones / Cell Phones
In-room Telephones
Most patient rooms have telephones (exception: Intensive Care). For local calls, Dial 9, then the number. Long distance calling is not available on bedside phones.People wishing to contact a patient should call Switchboard and request the patient by name or room number. You can also contact a patient directly by dialing the proper extension (Note: the extension is not the same as the room number).
Cell Phones
Users of wireless technologies are required to comply with hospital standards for confidentiality and privacy. Photographs, videotapes and sound recordings are prohibited on hospital premises unless consent has been given.Pay Phones
Pay Phones are located in Waiting Rooms on each floor and at the main hospital entrance.- Televisions
Televisions are available to rent at the patient’s bedside. You are required to pay for the television prior to renting it. TV rentals are activated upon payment at the Cashier’s Office, located on the first floor.
- Visiting Hours & Guidelines
Please see the following Visiting Guidelines
- What to Bring to Hospital
If you are having an Outpatient Procedure and not staying overnight:
- Your health card
- A list of all your medications, doses and times when they are to be taken
- Private Insurance information, if you have extra coverage
- Your advanced directives: your personal choices for health care should you become unable to make decision. (Or name of person you trust to make decisions for you)
- A bag to hold your clothing, personal belongings
- Slippers that fit well and are non-slip
- A denture cup for dentures
- Sanitary products, if you are having gynecological surgery
- "Puffers" and Nitro spray
If you are staying in hospital overnight:
- Personal toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, brush, feminine hygiene products, shaving supplies, facial tissue, soap, shampoo/conditioner, combs, hairpins/elastics, incontinence products (if used at home), nail clipper/file
- Eyeglasses, contact lenses hearing aids and other aids such as walkers/canes, splints or braces, special wheelchair (if used at home)
- Housecoat and your own pillow, if you wish
- The medicine you take in their original containers for the nurse to assess; Medicine provided by the hospital will be sent home with your loved one
- An overnight bag with your name on it and is large enough to hold the above items plus the clothes you are wearing the day of admission
What Not to Bring
- Any electrical equipment that requires plugging in
- Personal items
- Large sums of money
- Credit cards
- Valuables such as rings, earrings
The hospital is not responsible for lost, misplaced and stolen items.